Friday 23 January 2009

Nicky Ree Catsuit photo contest!

Nicky Ree, one of the famous sl fashion designers, keep designing awesome designs and leading the fashion trend in sl. Many creators keep following, learning or even stealing her awesome illusion work in Second life these days. And in this Virtual world, many A貨 (a Cantonese slang means fakery product which copy exactly or partly from the original product .) appear in world and some even marked in much higher price saying that is their work without any shame!! Want to tell everyone you are not that CHEAP to buying A貨? It's time for you to show off!! Nicky Ree held a photo contest in shoting her 2006 design catsuit! You may have chance to win her $20000L prize! Go to her store & get this $1L catsuit and click the board to check the detail regulations now!

DNR Catsuit Photo Contest 2009 Pic2- Alienbear Gupte

30 Jan 2009 12pm slt

Where to get the details?
Nicky Ree main store and find this board

Who can enter the contest?
one who buy Nicky Ree Catsuit legally with transaction record

DNR Catsuit Photo Contest 2009 Pic1- Alienbear Gupte

Stop being stupid in beliving 奸商 (a Cantonese slang means an unethical merchant; an unscrupulous merchant; a profiteer; a dishonest trader) now!

Share with you one of my favorite pictures that join this contest!


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