Tuesday 22 April 2008

Share your love

We are lucky to have a good health, good family, good life; but in somewhere in a corner, there is a group of people suffer from Cancer. They may lose their life & their family may lost the family living support. To help these group of people, Relay for Life 2008 help the American Cancer Society in raising funds. I am happy to join one of the Relay for life team in sl - The Relay for life Designer in Seduction team, a group of talent true sl designer/ creator that group together to help this RFL. We design something & donate to the RFL & wish to help raising more funds with our talent. Just go to RFL DIS donation vendor place. Let's have an International fund raising to help these American Cancer Society!

These are my design that typically for this event- the Princess Carita RFL Limited Edition Set. You can donate money to the vendor at the above mentioned place or at my castle mall that In between Alienbear Design & BijouxOr design main stores till 17 June 2008.

Or you can donate few bucks to the Koisk we placed in our stores. thank you so much.

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