This is my first time in learning oil painting. This picture is a finished version. Please don't laugh hehe
It was a very tough work for me who is a newbies to painting. Since the gallery
shopkeeper lost the snowman photo!!! my teacher said, "ok try use your logic to finish this!!!" Omg, I even don't know how to draw. I was just looking at my unfinished painting for 5 mins... don't know what to do lol then I suddenly think ok ok just play with those colour & see what it will look like...
Then teacher saw me this helpless lady and he said, there is some reflection on the snowman, Oh yes, I suddenly find that I always miss out many tiny things. I am bad in observation lol ... so I start paint the shadow, reflection.. OH I CAN DO IT!!! I never know that I really can draw!!!
haha see the little scarf & sun glass hahahaha.
But sure for the one who even don't know how to use the painting equiment, pigment/ dyestuff (don't know if it call this in english lol) , I can never paint the trees like this lol so the trees here are helped by my teacher, he help me to add some more colour on the trees. He is just amazing, he change my shit to magic!
Thursday faster come!!! so I can draw more & learn more!!!
Previous unfinish version can read my previous post :-
My first oil painting ^^Back to sl, did you visit the
Clothing Fair 2009, I designed two limited edition sets for the clothing fair RFL team. One is
RFL2009 ALMOST FREE gifts - Zivanit special. Another one is
Kielo RFL special set . 100% money from these sets will go to Relay For Life that benefit to Amercian Cancer Society. This clothing fair will last for 3 more days so don't miss it!! Total 9 sims this year!!!

And don't miss the silent auction, many generous designers designed one of the kind gown for this clothing fair!!! My favorite one is
Nicky Ree's gorgeous one of the kind goddess gown "Adephagia" representing gluttony in 7 sins. The bid will end at 6:00 pm SLT Sunday, March 22, 2009. Go to "
http://slurl.com/secondlife/The%20Mediterranean%20Sea/156/118/24" to bid now!!